This is BY FAR the BEST app. I have ever used for celestial information.Even the $ apps arent even comparable. I have tried many many the last few years. And there a few with excellent data on specific subjects within the mass of cyber information.
But LUNA is one app that provides ALL the lunar and solar information there on one app. It is extremely user friendly and accurate information of our ever
changing sky. Whether you need lunar phases or solar position. It is right at your finger tips. Beautiful Photography and understandable explanations are an added bonus to all the data. My 14 yr old son had no knowledge of this area of science. He had no interest
at all and it showed in school. He started looking over my shoulder at first. Next, asking questions (which we easily found) on Luna. Next thing I knew, he was putting the Luna app. on HIS laptop. Now, he goes around telling his friends the phase, or position of the day. And I depend on it every day.
Moon Wonder about
Luna Solaria